February begins with a continuation of a season of Ordinary Time. We will consider how the apostle Paul sublimates his own desires and preferences and opens himself up to the preferences and cultures of others for the sake of Christ. Then we see Jesus on the mountaintop with Moses and Elijah, his appearance changed before his disciples’ eyes, and consider what that means in light of Elijah’s experience on the fiery chariot.
In the middle of the month, we enter the season of Lent, a 40-day season of reflection and fasting as we prepare ourselves for the death and resurrection of Christ. Ash Wednesday begins the season with confes- sion and the consideration of our own mortality. This year it will be in a hybrid format. A short worship ser- vice will be available online, and then I will be in the church parking lot 12:15-12:45 and 5:15-5:45 to mark you with the sign of the cross in ashes. Cars should en- ter the parking lot on Cedar Street and exit on Birch.
In the first two Sundays of Lent, we will meditate on stories of God’s people in the wilderness and con- sider the significance of the cross, at once an instru- ment of torture and a means of salvation….