What is this Three-Church Co-op that I have heard about? What it is is a small
group of lay people from Cornelius UMC, Forest Grove UMC and Hillsboro UMC
who have gotten together to discuss ways in which the three churches can work to
gether to accomplish their individual missions. What it is not is a group trying to
combine churches or close one or more of the churches. There are currently two rep
resentatives from each church, Betty Pritchard and Brian Hawkins are the representa
tives of FGUMC. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please let Betty
or Brian know.
We have identified some ways that we can support one another.
- The Three Church Co-op is working to develop a combined calendar that will in
clude events and programs from each of the churches. More information about how
to get access to this calendar will be forthcoming. - FGUMC is working to support the outreach missions of Cornelius and Hillsboro
through our food bank donations. - Another way that we are working together is by having combined services when
there is a fifth Sunday in a month. The first of these takes place on March 30th. The
three churches will worship at FGUMC during the regular 10 am hour. Please wel
come those from the other churches who are in attendance. - The three churches will continue to support the Youth Program that is being led by
Emily Tabb through communication and participation of youth and second adults.
As the Three Church Co-op continues meeting, we will continue to find more ways
in which together we can support each church’s mission. If you have any ideas,
please share them with Betty or Brian.