September Messenger

As school and activities get started in September, we are following Jesus and his disci- ples on the road from Galilee to Jerusalem, on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Along the … [Read more…]

August Messenger

We have an eclectic month of worship in August. As usual, the first Sunday of the month we celebrate communion. We will be premiering Pastor David’s jazz communionsetting. We’ll consider … [Read more…]

Teach Us to Pray

Rev. Dr. David D. M. King, OSLLuke 11:1-13 Jesus’s disciples ask him, “Teach us to pray. And Jesus responds to them with words that sound somewhat familiar, and also a … [Read more…]

July Messenger

Luke 9:51 tells us, “When the days drew near for [Jesus] to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem” (NRSV). Or in another translation, “As the time approached when … [Read more…]