Food Bank Collection for January
Please bring the food by Sunday, February 2nd, so that all collected food can be distributed on Thursday, February 6th. The food bank is asking for boxed meals and boxed … [Read more…]
Please bring the food by Sunday, February 2nd, so that all collected food can be distributed on Thursday, February 6th. The food bank is asking for boxed meals and boxed … [Read more…]
Due to a break in the water line to the church, all water has been shut off to the church and Education Wing. The service that is scheduled for the … [Read more…]
The retreat will take place on 2/15-2/17. RSVP by January 26th. Click on Read More at the bottom of the summarized post so that you can view the entire post. … [Read more…]
Beginning in January of 2025, the youth group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. All youth gatherings will in Jr. Youth (5th – 8th grades) … [Read more…]
I am hoping to do this event once a month.
Sunday, Sept. 1st– NO EVENTS Sunday, Sept. 8th– Youth Gathering 3:00-5:00 Sunday, Sept. 15th- Elementary Gathering 1:00-2:30, Youth Gathering 3:00-5:00 Saturday, Sept. 21st- Youth/Elementary/Family Chalk Art Festival (we will have two squares … [Read more…]
WORSHIPIN MAY In May we will finish up our 7-week sojourn through the Book of Acts, exploring the story of the early church, and its response to Jesus’s resurrection. Though … [Read more…]
WORSHIP IN APRIL Throughout April, we are celebrating the season of Easter. Also known as the Great Fifty Days, or the Week of Weeks, it begins on the Feast of Easter … [Read more…]
Lenten Bible Study continues into Easter. We’re watching The Chosen and joining for conversation, food, and fellowship. Sunday, April 7, 4-6 pm at Hillsboro UMC. Sunday, April 14, 4-6 pm at Forest Grove UMC … [Read more…]
WORSHIP IN MARCH This March moves us through Lent and culminates in East- er. In Lent, we remember Jesus’s forty days in the wilderness, we travel with him on his way … [Read more…]
– Lenten Bible Study: The Chosen February 18th – March 24th 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Sunday Feb 25, 4 -6 pm at Forest Grove UMC Sunday, March 3, 4 -6 at Hillsboro UMC … [Read more…]
WORSHIP IN JANUARY January 7, Baptism of the Lord CommunionGenesis 1:1-5, Mark 1:4-11 “Trouble the Water” January 14, The Second Sunday after the Epiphany1 Samuel 3:1-20“Speak, for Your Servant Is Listening” January … [Read more…]
EASTER WEEK ACTIVITIES April 6—Maundy Thursday Service Service at FGUMC—7 pm April 7—Good Friday Service Service at Hillsboro UMC—7pm April 9—Easter Service Easter Egg Hunt—9 amWorship Service and Flower Cross —10 am Bell choir to provide … [Read more…]
Lent is a season of special intention. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness preparing himself spiritually for his public ministry. We spend 40 days each year preparing ourselves spiritually. … [Read more…]
In February, we find ourselves jumping around a bit through Matthew’s story of Jesus.The first two Sundays come from Jesus’s “Sermon on the Mount,” outlining his moral teachings. Then we jump forward … [Read more…]
We continue our journey through the 12-day season of Christmas. On January 1st, Rev. Dr. Lowell Greathouse will be leading worship, starting off the New Year with a focus on … [Read more…]
As school and activities get started in September, we are following Jesus and his disci- ples on the road from Galilee to Jerusalem, on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Along the … [Read more…]